Local Outreach

Greater Bridgeport

Bringing hope and help to our cities.

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ changes everything and can transform people, families, neighborhoods, and communities. By connecting with local organizations and intentionally loving our neighbors, we desire to mobilize our church towards meeting some of the greatest needs in our community and sharing the hope we have in Jesus.

Greater Bridgeport

Bringing hope and help to our cities.

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ changes everything and can transform people, families, neighborhoods, and communities. By connecting with local organizations and intentionally loving our neighbors, we desire to mobilize our church towards meeting some of the greatest needs in our community and sharing the hope we have in Jesus.

Ways to Serve in your City

Join us as we serve our city in a variety of different ways. There’s a place for everyone from one time serving events to weekly impact opportunities. Find your place by checking out the options below.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Get Involved

All great moves of God begin with prayer. Believe and pray for revival with us at a prayer event at your campus or use one of the resources below.

Serve With Us

Join an impact group and serve with one of our local partners as we seek to meet some of the greatest needs in our community.

Serve With Us

Serve at an upcoming outreach event to love our city and spread the gospel.

Serve With Your Community Group

Be on mission alongside your community group, family or friends by serving a local partner through one of our Serve Together DIYs.

Focus Areas

Focusing our efforts to see greater impact in our city. 


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Bridgeport currently has a poverty rate of 23.2% and an unemployment rate of 6.4%. We want to mobilize volunteers to serve those struggling financially in our community alongside local organizational partners.  


      ·Organizing impact groups to consistently serve 

      ·Partnering with organizations serving and uplifting the poor

      ·Supporting addiction recovery programs in our city

Children & Families

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29.8% of the city’s population is under the age of 18, and the public schools are facing low literacy scores amongst 76% of their students. We have the opportunity to serve, mentor, and come alongside families and children in our region to help them thrive. 


      ·Supporting Hopeline and women found in emergency pregnancies

      ·Partnering with organizations building mentoring programs and providing resources to support at-risk youth in our cities

Cross-Cultural Communities

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Bridgeport is the largest city in Connecticut, and has a diverse population with roughly 75% of the city being Hispanic, African-American or Asian. About 25-30% of the population are originally from other parts of the world, and have moved here for employment or educational opportunities. This is our chance to make disciples of all nations, by engaging with them right here in our backyard!