Ice Breaker Option: What is one moment this past week that pushed you to reflect on your purpose in life?

HOPE: How did God work in you this past week to help you align with becoming an image bearer of God rather than conforming to the world?

Pastor Justin Kendrick unpacked the transformative power of humility from 1 Peter 5. He explored the danger of under-living, living without the sense of purpose God has called us to. In this text, Peter identifies pride, anxiety, and the devil as key enemies of spiritual growth. Pastor Justin then explored how humility is the key to real spiritual growth. In summary, he encouraged the congregation to embrace a life of dependence on God, knowing that there is bottom to the reservoirs of His grace.

• Can you describe a time when you lived with a clear sense of purpose?
• What do most worry about and how do you typically handle your anxiety?

HEAD: Read 1 Peter 5:5b-11
• According to this passage, what attitudes and actions are required of us?
• What are we told about the necessity of each exhortation?
• What does Peter emphasize about God and how does knowing this truth make living out this passage possible?

• Consider an area in your life where you may be prioritizing comfort or security over purpose. What steps can you take to shift your focus?
• Name an anxiety in your life. What truths from Scripture can you cling to in those moments to remind you of God’s care?
• When you consider the discipleship pathway, how can your community group family encourage you to grow?

HELP: Prayer
• Spend time exalting God in prayer. Thank God for His bottomless reservoir of grace and ask Him to help you experience Him more fully.
• Pray for courage to choose humility and live fully dependent on Him.
• Pray for each other in their faith journey.

Going Deeper:
Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
The Bible uses the word sanctification to describe the process of transformation, believers becoming more like Jesus. Consider these verses: 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 6:1-4, Philippians 2:12-13, 2 Peter 1:3-8, Ephesians 4:20-24, Hebrews 10:24-25
• How would you describe your present state in the sanctification process?
• What does scripture say about God’s role and our responsibility in sanctification?
• What one thing can you do to be encouraged in your faith walk?

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