Ice Breaker Option: If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Where have you seen God at work in the last week?

In this sermon, Pastor Wayne Francis explored the resurrection of Jesus from Luke 24. He began with a light-hearted discussion of Google's most-searched keywords and the human tendency to search for life's meanings, purposes, and joy. However, the only place to find life and to find it abundantly full and free is in Jesus Christ. Drawing parallels with digital algorithms, Pastor Wayne encourages a spiritual shift towards finding true purpose and joy in Jesus, concluding with a prayer for renewed focus on serving God wholeheartedly.

• Can you think of a time when you searched for happiness in something other than Jesus? What was the result?
• How have you experienced worship changing the behaviors and patterns in your life?

HEAD: Read John 24:1-12
• What was the expectation of the women as they went to the tomb? What did the angels ask and what is the significance of their question?
• What did Peter do when he heard the women’s testimony and what was his response to the empty tomb? How do you think this changed his life going forward?
• How does Luke convey assurance of the truth of the gospel through this account?

• Remember and Return: How does Jesus’ resurrection change your perspective on the circumstance of your life? What are some practical ways you can remind yourself of Jesus' resurrection in your daily routine?
• Look In and Lower Yourself: What spiritual algorithm, patterns and behaviors, need to change to fully reorient your life to Jesus? What are some specific steps you can take?
• Where do you need to see your enthusiasm for serving God renewed? How can you apply the message of hope and faith found in the resurrection story to your personal struggles or doubts?

HELP: Prayer
• Spend time meditating on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Pray in response.
• Pray for a greater thirst for God, finding true fulfillment in Him.
• Pray for the strength to remember the power of Jesus' resurrection every day and to live with exclamation points in your faith.

Going Deeper: Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Spend time deepening your understanding of the importance of the resurrection to our faith. Consider these scriptures: Romans 8:14-17; Ephesians 1:18-20; Philippians 3:10; Romans 6:4-14; Acts 1:8
• How does the resurrection personally impact you on a daily basis?
• Why is the truth of the resurrection central to our ability to live as followers of Christ?
• What can you do to cultivate a deeper reliance on Jesus’ resurrection in your daily faith walk?

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