Sermon Recap
From 1 Peter 1, Pastor Justin Kendricks emphasized the importance of recognizing our need for change and illustrated how true transformation comes from understanding the gospel—that through Christ, we can be made new and accepted by God. He highlighted that spiritual growth involves replacing lies with truth, developing healthy habits, and actively loving one another through selfless service. He concluded this sermon with encouragement to know God’s goodness, and as desire for Him grows, so does desire for spiritual maturity.
Ice Breaker Option
If you could invent a super unique ice cream flavor that represents your personality, what would it be called and what wild ingredients would it have?
HEAD: Read 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
• Peter gives a series of exhortations in this text. What are we urged to do? List, define and categorize these commands.
• What outcome does he say we will experience?
• How does God’s character provide the foundation for the change described in this passage?
Change Begins in the Mind
• Why do people believe that people do not change? How does your new birth in Christ change that narrative?
Growth Requires New Habits
• “Most of the time, in the kingdom of Jesus, growth is not fast. It's slow.” How do you respond to this?
Service to Others Matures Love
• Can you think of a time when serving someone changed your own attitude or outlook? How did that experience influence you?
• Share your favorite Bible verses about who God is. Choose a verse to commit to memorizing this week.
• Which spiritual discipline do you feel you should spend more time in this week? How do you think this will increase your desire for God's transformative work in your life?
• How have you grown in love in the last year? Where do you want to invite God to do a greater work this year?
• Encourage your group to complete the Spiritual Growth Assessment.
• Pray for guidance in your spiritual journey, seek clarity on strongholds in your life, and ask for a deeper desire for God’s Word.
• Pray that as a community, we can support and love one another more earnestly, reflecting God's love in our actions.
Going Deeper:
See, acceptance creates a new atmosphere, a new environment for the soul. Spend time deepening your understanding of regeneration. Read these scriptures: 1 Peter 1:23, Ezekial 11:19-29; Titus 3:5; 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:1-10
• Summarize the truth found in these scriptures. What has God done in us through Christ?
• How does this truth impact how you see yourself?
• What one thing do you need to change or strengthen in order to walk in alignment with this truth?