18 August, 2024
Ice Breaker Option: If you were a condiment, which one would you be and why?

HOPE: Did you have an opportunity to share God’s love with someone this past week? How did you see God work through this encounter?

Pastor Justin Kendrick concluded the series on the Gospel of John by highlighting the purpose of John's Gospel and the implications of Jesus's divine identity. He delved into the profound claim of Jesus identifying as "I am” in John 20, which is a staggering truth demanding a complete transformation of our lives. He then focused on our typical human tendency to wish for self-sovereignty. The sermon concluded with the need for wholehearted devotion to Jesus in response to God's immense love and sacrificial atonement.

• How does knowing Jesus claimed to be God impact your faith in him?
• What specific areas of your life do you struggle with surrendering to Jesus and why?

HEAD: Read John 20:30-31
• How does John set the scene in this passage? What is the significance of where the betrayal took place?
• How does Jesus reveal His identity in this passage?
• What concern does Jesus show for the disciples and what does this reveal about God’s plan?

Quoting John Piper, Pastor Justin spoke of Jesus’ “paradoxical juxtaposition of seemingly opposite traits.” Are their attributes of Jesus that you struggle with?
• How does this reveal your being “busy trying to keep boundaries with God” and what do you need to do to surrender this to God?
• How can you better embrace the truth that God is love and God is holy in your daily life?
• In what ways can you grow your gratitude towards Jesus, knowing he atoned for the sins of humanity, including yours?

HELP: Prayer
• Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help in letting go and submitting to God areas of self-control.
• Spend time meditating on the immense love and sacrifice of God shown through Jesus' crucifixion. Pray in response.

Going Deeper:
Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Review the seven times Jesus uses the I am statement with a description of Himself. 6:35, 48, 51, 8:12; 9:5, 10:7, 9, 10:11, 14, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1
• Which of these seven signs do you find most compelling, and why?
• How does each description build toward a complete understanding of who Jesus is?
• In recognition of who Jesus is, what do you need to submit to him?