11 August, 2024
Ice Breaker Option: If you could get rid of one food forever, what would it be and why?

HOPE: Where have you seen God at work in the last week?

Pastor Justin Kendrick delved into the Gospel of John's story of Lazarus' resurrection by Jesus in John 11. He explored how this passage prepares us for those times when God’s logic and ours collide. Despite the love Jesus held for Lazarus and his sisters, Jesus allowed Lazarus to die with a bigger purpose in mind - to glorify God through the mighty act of resurrection. He also showed how Jesus tailor-fits his response based on individual needs, epitomizing the ministry of hope and the ministry of presence. Finally, Pastor Justin highlighted Jesus' fierce love for humanity and the victory over death through Lazarus' resurrection as a testament to God's steadfast love and salvation.

• Can you think of a situation in your life where your expectations of God didn't align with His plans, and how you grew from the experience?
• Have you struggled with comparing your faith walk with others? How have you experienced God meeting you where you are at?

HEAD: Read John 11:1-7, 17-27, 32-44
• How does Jesus respond to the news of Lazarus’ illness and what does this text reveal about the reason for this response? What is this teaching us about God?
• How does Jesus respond to Martha and to Mary? What in these responses helps us understand God’s heart for his people?
• This is the seventh sign John records in his gospel. What truth about God is this sign point to?

• How can you become more aware of confirmation bias in your own faith journey and develop a more balanced perspective?
• How does considering both Jesus' humanity and divinity deepen your understanding of God's love for you personally? How will you approach God this week, knowing that God has an everlasting & furious love for you?
• Who in your life needs to be assured of God’s fierce love for them? What will you share to encourage them?

HOPE: Prayer
• Pray for deeper trust in God’s greater plan, especially when His actions don’t align with our expectations.
• Pray for a deeper experience of God’s furious love.
• Pray for those you know you need to know the truth of God’s love or experience His presence in their lives.

Going Deeper:
Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Pastor Justin spoke on the hypostatic union, that Jesus is both fully man and fully God. Consider these passages: John 1:14-18, Hebrews 1:3 and 2:9-14, Philippians 2:6-11, 1 Timothy 3:16, Romans 1:3-4, Galatians 4:4-5
• How does considering both Jesus' humanity and divinity deepen your understanding of God's love for you personally?