28 July, 2024
Ice Breaker OptionIf you were stranded on an island what one impractical item would you like to have with you?

HOPE: When have you experienced Jesus moving in your life as he did for the people in the book of John?

In this sermon from John 9, Pastor Jeremiah Johnson delves into the miraculous healing of the blind man and how this sign points to truth about God’s kingdom and about how it works. He emphasizes the need for us to submit to every step in God’s process and to let God use the pressures we face to produce deep conviction in us. Pastor Jeremiah concludes by encouraging listeners to acknowledge their blindness and exhibit humility before God, which, in return, elevates their perception of Jesus and their dependence on Him.

• Can you think of a time when you had to admit your own spiritual blindness? How did this impact your relationship with God?
• In what areas of your life are struggling to practice humility and submission to God's guidance?

HEAD: Read John 9:1-17, 24-41
• How did Jesus heal the man born blind? What does this reveal about how things work in God's Kingdom?
• How did the Pharisees respond to this healing and what did this reveal about their relationship with God? What does the man’s response revel about his?
• Compare and contrast the two encounters between the blind man and Jesus. What does this reveal about God’s heart and character?

• How can you demonstrate obedience to God in your own life, even when His instructions may seem uncertain or unnecessary at times?
• Where are you facing the pressure of the enemy? What strategies can you implement to allow God to use this as an opportunity for spiritual growth and stronger faith?
• Is there a place that God has shown you that you have been spiritually blind? How will you respond, showing a posture of humility in your daily routine and connection with God?

Going Deeper: Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Jesus uses this healing as a metaphor for spiritual blindness. Look at how John unpacks Jesus’ teachings about seeing (e.g. 3:19, 9:41, 11:9-10; 12:35-36, 15:22, 24) and how he used this same metaphor for our relationships within our spiritual family (1 John 1:9-11).
• How do your actions reveal whether you are walking in light or darkness?
• How can someone claim to be spiritual and yet be spiritually blind?
• How will this impact your relationship with the Father as you walk with Him this week?