22 July, 2024
Ice Breaker Option: If you were a flavor of ice cream, what would you be and why?

In your reading of John this last week, what did Jesus do that surprised you and why?

Pastor Shawn Haggerty delved into the story of Jesus walking on water in John 6:16-21. He used the concept of a proposal - like his own proposal to his wife - to explain how Jesus is offering us the truth that he is the Messiah and Son of God. Believing in Jesus means surrendering all aspects of our lives to him and trusting in his power to calm the storms we face. Pastor Shawn emphasized the importance of truly understanding and believing in who Jesus is and called on the church to respond to Jesus' proposal by completely surrendering to the one who is more than enough.

• What misconceptions about Jesus have you heard others state? Have you ever held a misconception about Jesus and how did you come to see the truth?
• Can you share a time of chaos or disorder in your life and how you experienced Jesus’ guidance?

HEAD: Read John 16:16-21
• What circumstance did the disciples find themselves in and how did they handle it?
• Why do you think the disciples did not realize it was Jesus approaching the boat?
• What in this account points to Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God?

• What area of your life do you struggle to fully surrender to Jesus? How can others come alongside you in this?
• What specific fear or chaotic situation are you facing, and how will you trust Jesus to get you through it?

HOPE: Prayer
• Pray for one another in the struggles and situations they are facing. Pray for full surrender and trust that Jesus is more than enough in this moment.
• Pray for courage to face your fears and trust in Jesus' power to calm the storms in your life.
• Ask God to guide you on the right path this week, trusting that He will get you where you need to go.

Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
This passage reveals Jesus as “I am”. Study God’s revealing on Himself by this name to Moses (Exodus 3:13, 6:3) and Jesus’ revealing Himself by this name (John 6:20, 8:24, 58, 18:5)
• How does knowing who Jesus is calm your fears?
• What in these texts reveal who God is in relation to us?
• How will you walk in confidence of who Jesus is this week?