22 April, 2024
 Icebreaker Option: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?  
HOPE: How has God helped you be more intentional in your relationships this past week?
Pastor Justin and Chrisy Kendrick shared from their own 25-year marriage journey while examining the subject of marriage from Genesis 2:18-24. They presented keys to building a strong marriage: build everything on Jesus, become a student of your spouse, and train your heart to love. They emphasized the significance of seeking growth in marriage through God's grace and encouraged listeners to actively nurture their relationships.
Chrisy identified cultural narratives: the romance narrative, self-fulfillment narrative, cultural advancement narrative, and companionship narrative.
· Can you identify any of these narratives in your own life and how do they impact your perspective on relationships?
HEAD: Read Genesis 2:18-25
· What does this passage say about the origin of marriage and how does this shape our understanding of marriage?
· What do we learn from how God created Adam and Eve?
· According to this passage, how did God design marriage to work?
· What can you do this week to invest in your marriage? What one thing will you do this week with everything you've heard?
· For those not married, think about one person you have a significant relationship with. How can you use these principles to invest in that relationship?
Key 1: Build Everything on Jesus - Where is there self-centeredness in you that needs to be uprooted? 
Key 2: Become a Student of Your Spouse – How can you steward the work of God in your spouse's life?
Key 3: Train Your Heart to Love – How will you intentionally commit to your spouse? What does a consistent cadence of investment look like for you?

 HOPE: Prayer
· Ask God to help us apply these principles to our own lives, whether married, single, or divorced.
· Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us in prioritizing our relationship with Jesus and allowing His love to flow through us into our relationships.
· Pray for God to help us see opportunities to steward the work of Christ in our spouse/others.
Study the doctrine of imago dei further: Genesis 1:26-27. How does being made in the image of God radically change our understanding of who we are?