We Become More | 3.3.24 | Justin Kendrick

3 March, 2024

Pastor Justin Kendrick explores justice and its relation to the church, emphasizing outward acts of kindness and inward heart transformation. He discusses the biblical concept of "mishpat" a Hebrew word that means "justice". Drawing from history and scripture, he warns against complacency and division and urges believers to follow Jesus' example of righteousness and humility. The sermon encourages the church to embrace unity, diversity, and God's definition of justice, taking active steps toward growth and understanding.

Icebreaker Option: "What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in a public setting?"

HOPE: Where have you seen God at work in the last week? 

HEAD: Read Zechariah 7:8-13 (NIV)

 • What is the main message of the text that is being communicated to the people at that time? 
 • Looking at verse 9, what does it mean to “administer true justice” to one another?  
 • How do the people respond to God's word? 
 • What warning can we take from Israel's failure to seek God's justice in the book of Zechariah?

 • Why is it important for Christians to view justice through the lens of scripture, rather than relying on cultural influences?
 • How does Jesus' example of power through weakness and victory through self-sacrifice challenge societal norms and help us achieve true justice?


 • What are some practical ways you can follow Jesus' example of humility and self-sacrifice in your own life to contribute to promoting true justice?

 •Consider hosting a Hospitality Dinner within the next few months as a way to learn from one another through conversation and a shared meal. Download the Host Guide: https://voxchurch.org/perspectives
HELP: Pray for God to help us apply the sermon's message of justice to our daily lives this week. 
 • Ask God to reveal any areas of our hearts where we may need inward transformation and a deeper understanding of biblical justice. 
 • Pray for unity and diversity within our church community, that we may actively seek to learn from one another and maintain the bond of peace. 
 • Ask God to give us the courage and humility to actively pursue justice and bridge the divide in our society, following the example of Jesus Christ.

Going Deeper: Optional questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper. 
 In what ways have you seen cultural influences impact the church's efforts in seeking justice, and how can you be part of the change towards biblical justice?
 How might our own understanding of justice be distorted by sin and cultural influences, and what can we do to ensure we're seeking God's idea of justice?

Scripture References: 
Zechariah 7
Isaiah 30
Micah 6
Ephesians 2
Galatians 2
Ezekiel 36
Revelation 7
Ephesians 4