1. Have you ever felt like everyone else is moving ahead in life and they are further along than you are? Have you ever felt like giving up and calling a "lifeboat" in your journey following Jesus?
2. Together Read Matthew 5:17 - 48. After the long list of difficult topics and seemingly moral perfection, Jesus ends the portion by saying, " Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” What were your initial thoughts on this passage of scripture? What feelings did it provoke?
3. Mike mentioned the word "perfect" in Greek is "teleios," which is translated as "complete, whole or lacking nothing." Jesus is not demanding an outward perfection, but rather an inward devotion; an inner change. "You therefore must be whole-hearted in love just as your father is whole-hearted in love." How does this change your perspective?
4. The old Kingdom was about duty and obeying commandments; the new Kingdom is about the heart and love. Read Matthew 22:37- 40. What does it mean to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and with all your mind… and to love your neighbor as yourself? Share an example. How does this play out in your life?
5. Read Matthew 5:18-19. "A whole heart matures with trust." Are there areas in your thinking or in your practice that are contrary to what Jesus has declared to be true? What truths in scripture are you editing because it doesn't make sense to you?
6. Challenge: Practically seek to grow in whole-hearted love for the Lord and for your neighbor. This week start paying attention to areas in your life where insecurities pop up. Take note of them, and compare them to what Jesus declares to be true.
7. Read Romans 5:5. Close in prayer by asking the Lord to fill your heart with HIS love.