There's a Reason to Stay | 7.30.23

30 July, 2023
Text: Luke 18:1-8

1. When you were a kid, what was something that you wanted so bad that you persistently asked your parents for it until they got it for you?
2. Babies know to persistently cry out when they need something. Why do you think we have lost persistence in coming to God with needs as we have gotten older? 

3. Read Psalm 63:1. When was the last time you desperately desired God like this? When was the last time you cried out admitting your need before God? 

"The judge must necessarily be impartial, stern–but the father is necessarily partial to his child, compassionate and tender to his own offspring. Does she prevail over a judge, and shall not we prevail with our Father who is in Heaven? And does she continue in her desperate need to weary him until she wins what she desires–and shall not we continue in the agony of our desires until we get from our heavenly Father whatever His Word has promised?" - Charles Spurgeon

4. The persistent widow got justice from an unjust, evil judge. How does knowing that God is a just, holy judge affect your perspective on prayer? 

What do you need to persistently pray for right now? Share your answers with the group and persistently pray for each other. 

For Further Study: Read 2 Corinthians 12:9 and Philippians 1:6 and discuss their applications to this sermon.