The If We Miss | 3.5.23

5 March, 2023
Text: John 13:1-17

1. What are your motivations to serve the Lord in the church? What are roadblocks that keep people from serving?

2. Explain how serving brings you joy, peace, life, blessing, and community.

3. What specific opportunities can you think of right now where you can model Jesus’ servants heart, as he washed his disciples feet?

4. Justin talked about two types of hearts; the orphan heart and the entitled heart. The orphan heart says “Nobody notices me or cares for me.” The entitled heart says “I deserve to be served.” Which heart do you see more of a tendency in yourself?

5. Share a story with your Community Group of an act of compassion you or your family have done recently. Talk through opportunities your group can do together to serve, including the 6-week Community Group Challenge on page 13 of the 40 Days of Compassion guide.

Take some time together and pray for each other to have a servant's heart like Jesus did and for tangible ways to show it every day at work, home, driving, eating out, etc.

For further study: Read Romans 12:1 and discuss the implications of what these verses actually look like played out in your relationships, work, serving in church and community groups, finances, etc.